ЗАО Нижегородские сорбенты
ZAO Nizhegorodskiye Sorbents is one of the ten leading Russian manufacturers of catalysts, zeolites and adsorbents for the oil and gas, oil refining and petrochemical industries.
Using advanced technologies and modern technological equipment, we manufacture products that meet the current international quality standards and the needs of our consumers.
Over the decades of joint work with the leading oil refineries of the country and scientific institutes, «Nizhegorodskiye Sorbents» have acquired an extensive production, scientific and analytical base. This gives us the opportunity to work on:
- совершенствованию качественных характеристик выпускаемой продукции,
- расширению продуктовой линейки;
- исследованию и испытанию новых продуктов;
- научному сопровождению производственных нефтегазохимических процессов;
- экспертной оценке продуктов.